Thursday, January 10, 2008

The thing is

Well, you see ive returned from my little Christmas adventure, during which i traveled from NH to New York; from New York to Cleveland, back to New York for a week until finally my circle was completed and i returned to New Hampshire (all in the span of 3 weeks mind you). Its taken me a few days to get back in the groove of being here, but i think at this point, I've got the situation situated and am amply prepaired to proceed forward with all of life's what not for a while.

Unfortunately, while i was in the middle of nowhere in a hotel i was under the impression that i would have time to blogg in the future, because i had time to blogg in the moment. The truth is, this may not be the case. In fact, i am so busy with work – which involves being in front of my computer for 8 hours a day – that when i'm not working, the last place in the world i want to be is infront of my computer.

"Blogg at work," you might say. "No dice" I would respond. You see, my job takes way too much concentration to share any of it with blogging. Not only that, but my boss pays me to work, not to write meaningless whatnot, i can't in good contentious get paid to do this. I already get paid to do enough non sence.

In short, i will try to write something when i can. But for now, it looks like my writing skills are destined to go back on a shelf where they will continue to rust, until another time.