Sunday, August 10, 2008

Don't Whisper Stanky Dogs

My dog is an old black cocker spaniel who formerly made a living of running amock on the streets of Cleveland. Some how, many years ago, my family begrudgingly acquired this dog named Kubli (named for Kubli Kahn, Gangus Kahn's brother). I have no idea how old this dog, who is sometimes known as Poop Dog, Stink Dog, or Underbite — names which reflect some of his finer attributes — was when he happened to join our house hold. All i know is he kind was kinda crusty then, and it's been a lot of years since we got him.

These days good old Poop Dog has an ora of stank which is both indestructible, and sometimes almost tangible. The stink of this dog is so profound that it has almost taken on personality of its own. "hey here's Underbite and his invisible side kick, Stank".

(i'm not even going into a description of the green eye puss. I think saying that there is green eye puss (gobs of it) involved will suffice to describe the pure nast of the green eye puss which is infact located on the eye of my dog Underbite. )

I made the mistake of watching Ceaser the Dog Whisperer and thinking to myself "hey, i can do this".

1. I actually did succeed at wispering my my way in to position of pack leader.

2. Now that i've tried my hand at dog whispering, and Poop Dog knows i am the pack leader, i can't even use the bathroom with out old faithful and loyal poop dog there waiting on the other side of the door for me.

The moral of this story folks: Don't dog whisper stinky dogs, their stank will become yours.

Friday, August 1, 2008

This is NOT how we do it!

So my boss is a very sweet lady, but she is defiantly a spunky free spirit. She's a lot of fun to work for — she's an early 40's bar owning party animal, truly, i can't keep up with this lady and I'm only 26.

We're trying to boost business, so we can pay the bills. Last night she, in not so many words, told me that i should start dressing like a slut and putting gobs of makeup on because "that's the business" She clams that men come in for sex appeal because they aren't getting any at home, and that we - the bar tenders - are their fantasies. They want glamorous bartenders.

I have so many problems with all of this, i don't even know where to begin. Perhaps i shall use a numerated list, here goes.

1. Although i have been away from the world for a while, living a secluded and sheltered little life in the woods of New Hampshire, i am fairly solid in who i am. I figure by the time a person is 26 they aught to be not only sure of them selves, but also pretty okay with it. For example: i don't really buy new cloths, i just kind of make do with what i have or can get inexpensively. This is because i chose to live a simple life with out many possessions, this means i can spend more time a free woman and less time a wage-slave. I am okay with the fact that i am the perfect candidate for "what not to wear".

2. I've never been a pretty girl before, and have always managed to get through life with many friends and associates etc. I always have relied more on my personality and ability to make people laugh or feel comfortable than my physical appearance to build and form friendships. Why should i have to slut myself out now, because i work in a bar?

2a. Frankly the kind of people who are more inclined to sit at a bar and fantasize about a woman and or make lude and disrespectful comments are not the kind of people that i want to be around - they make my skin crawl because i know neither their thoughts nor their intentions are pure. These are NOT the kind of people that i wish to spend an evening at the bar with, these are the people that i want to flee far far away from.

3. I think it is unjust, deceitful and over all despicable to pry on men's weakness for flesh - to tempt and tease them - in order to get a buck. What a terrible way to take advantage of a man, especially when you consider that these men often times have wives and children at home. When you follow this train of though you eventually come to the conclusion that not only are you taking advantage of men, but also you are disrespecting their wives, and having no regard for the beauty and dignity that is hers in being a wife and mother. Full circe; a woman who choses to make a living about this have clearly no respect of concern for the well being of neither man nor woman.

The more i think about it the more angry i get and the more tirades i want to go off on.