Sunday, March 23, 2008

David Bowie and Providence

Today is Easter Sunday, 2008. There is so much symbolism in my life right now – I don’t even know if its worth delving into, I mean it must be obvious. Well reguardless, its obvious to me.

I’ll sum it up. I landed back in the house in which I lived for 20 years (give or take a couple) Easter morning circa 1:30 am. A month ago, all which was my life for five years was abruptly tossed up into the air (which I feel is a week description applied to the situation out of charity).

Easter is a time of rebirth in the Ressurection of our Lord. I’m here in Cleveland, where I am picking up the pieces and starting over. See what I mean by obvious?

So, its Easter Sunday. My family doesn’t do much of anything — outside of wishing each other a happy Easter — to celebrate the day. This fact put a very mellow spin on my celebration of the end of the penitential season. A few times during the day my mind drifted back to the family I lived with for a time, and imagined them all celebrating and rejoicing. Feasting like kings (and they deserve it, the family doesn’t touch a drop of meat for 40 days, they do not snack between meals, and they do not eat desert  — they know how to have a good Easter). There they sat, dipping with laughter, surrounded — and I do mean surrounded; there were eleven children, five of whom have started familes of their own (I believe the family already boasts at least ten grandchildren). Nothing is wrong today. It is true, at times I wished I could be with them — perhaps drop by for a bit and say hello, but truly, I am quite content with my mellow Easter.

My brother and I ended up driving around a bit, due to extreme boredom — and as we all know, sometimes those times are the best. It gave me a chance to check out my old stomping ground. So much has changed in five years; I am beginning to realize how long I have been gone. This realization, which will be slow and sometimes painful, is conducive to many mixed emotions. Just at the peek of these emotions this afternoon, as I drove past my high school with my little brother, Changes by David Bowie came on the radio. I love when providence shows its self in these small unseen moments, it still makes my heart skip a beat.

1 comment:

Slopster said...

Bowie = good sampson music. That is all.